"As a man, I could drink, snort, and fuck to my heart's content without major detriment to my career," Keith Allen says. "A girl cannot do that. The tabloids are shameless in trying to create a race to rehab between any girl out there who has a drink. But Lily's learning what Daddy learned long ago: Fame is a pain in the fucking arse. And I don't mind saying this, because I've told her already: She needs to know when to fucking shut up."
NOW. Were I in a contemplative mood, I could perhaps expound at length on the obvious double standard at play - when dudes go out and have a wild time, they are just boys being boys (which they will be, obvs) but when girls drink, or smoke, or go to a lot of parties, they are huge trainwreck messes who need to be brought in line.
I could also reflect on the culture of celebrity (which Lily Allen's Dad touches on here, albeit toolishly) as it relates to misogyny - the way we subject people, and especially women, to round-the-clock intense scrutiny, and then revel in demeaning them whenever they slip up or suffer, and how that often is linked very closely to promoting misogynist stereotypes that may or may not apply to the women in question. You know, Jennifer Aniston is a pathetic spinster who can't keep a man and will never have a lasting marriage or make babies (oh, noooo) and Angelina is one of those crazy women that you just know has to be good in the sack, huh, right, she'd probably let you stick it in her butt, heh heh, and Madonna is an aging woman who insists that she has a right to be sexual and to exercise power in her personal life and/or career and therefore is an ugly, domineering hag, and pretty much any young woman who is sexual in public is a stupid slut, and when famous women are thin they're anorexic, and when famous women are not thin they've let themselves go, and the best thing a female entertainer can do for her career these days is get all heteronormative and have a pretty pretty princess wedding and knock herself up and sell the baby photos for eighteen bazillion dollars, and the picture, when you put it all together, is (a) really ugly, and (b) insidious, because it is (c) fucking everywhere. I'm not saying I like any of these women - I don't, as a matter of fact, care about them either way - but tons of people actually do get their views on everything from Rick Warren to Lindsey Lohan's sexual orientation from Perez Hilton and his ilk, and that is a problem, because on sites like his the lady-hating runs rampant and stereotype is promoted as reportage.
I could go into all of this. However, it would be an overshare, which I have been instructed to avoid, and also I don't know the full context and don't want to jump to conclusions (which I never do, as you know) so I will simply say this: SPIN Magazine has only strengthened my abiding love for the persona and works of one Lily Allen.
Lily! Mon amour! We will wed in the South of France!
"and I understand that he comes around in the end and learns to appreciate plastic bags and the finer points of not being an abusive sonofabitch? But at that point he is dead, so Thora Birch really doesn't get anything out of the deal."
ReplyDelete^ This part made me laugh out loud in the library and people stared. It was glorious.
And yeah, similar experience with my father over here. Except he's not so bad on the my speaking my mind unapologetically thing.
It is so bizarre! American Beauty, that is! I kind of want to see "Revolutionary Road," by the same director, because, you know, Kate Winslet - but can I really handle more of this dude? I understand that there is this very Beautiful And Artistic scene in which she gives herself an abortion which kills her and then just sort of stands there thoughtfully while she bleeds to death through her ladybusiness? UGH. COUNTER-REPRESENTATIVE. DO NOT APPROVE.
ReplyDeleteBut, yeah, gender roles within the family are weird. And sometimes they make people act all crazypantsed. You know this. I know this. Lily Allen does too I think!